About Us


Caitlin - A theatre student from Vancouver, Caitlin loves podcasting about books. And reading books, and buying books, and reviewing books, and basically anything to do with books. She likes to think of herself as podcast manager. It was all her idea afterall.

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Kate - Kate is a soon-to-be lawyer who'd rather be doing anything but. When she's not stuck studying for the bar, she enjoys reading, watching movies, being vain about her hair, camping, and obsessing about Gossip Girl. Surgically attached to her laptop, Kate can be found online reviewing Young Adult fiction on the Addiction to Fiction review blog, fangirling her favorite authors, and becoming rapidly more addicted to Twitter. She's been obsessed with Cassandra Clare's writing for over ten years (and even went to lunch with her once...not that Cassie would ever remember her).

Katie - Katie has had two quests in life: to steal all her books back from the abyss of her little sister Hope's room and to convert everyone she knows to The Mortal Instruments. Thusly she's only succeeded in the latter. In the meantime she passes her time working and going to grad school so someone will be able to keep Hope and the Pitbull in Chipotle

Hope - Hope is Katie's little sister, and quite obviously got all the sanity in the family. She aspires to be a struggling musician when she grows up, and enjoys reading books such as The Mortal Instruments in between wrestling her pet pitt bull and practicing for a life lived in a subway station.


All the fabulous fanart on the site is, of course, by the ever fabulous bhanesidhe. Check out all of her gorgeous artwork.
Our album art was designed by the talented sapphire.witche
